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Dr. Arani Medical Center

Genital warts treatment

Dr arani medical center is USA number one center to treat BPV genital warts and anal warts treatment with best cosmetic outcome and no relapses... HPV and Genital warts, Anal warts, Molluscum treating and treatment in Los Angeles , Houston, Texas, Dallas, Orlando, Miami, Florida, Nevada , Las Vegas , North Carolina, Denver, Colorado, Chicago, san Jose, san Francisco, San Diego, Phoenix Arizona. We are the only institution in the U.S. dedicated to treat HPV-related growths such as genital warts or Anal warts. We have years of experience and countless successful cases which are well documented for Genital anal warts treatment . We do not use single modalities approaches such as laser, electrocautery hyfrecator, cryotherapy which are commonly used by primary care physicians or dermatologists. If you have a complicated case of loss of normal skin due to extensive HPV infection and Genital warts or anal warts  which previous approaches has failed then you are in right place. At America of  center HPV Genital warts and anal warts treatment center with near-perfect results with no recurrence on the same treated growths. Our American HPV treatment center located in Los Angeles california but we have treated pat. Patients from all 50 states and many other countries.

Dr. Arani is a published author and medical doctor who was chosen as a top physician in diagnosing and treating sexually transmitted diseases. He is considered to be a pioneer in developing strategy, classification, and treatment methods to control HPV-related tumors. He graduated from RUSM in 1999 with an MD degree followed by medical graduate clinical training at the Mayo Clinic Hospital and Maricopa Medical Center in Arizona. He subsequently received a faculty appointment at Loma Linda University School of Medicine (Loma Linda, CA) as an Instructor of Medicine in 2002. He was later appointed as Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine at LLU in 2003. His passion for improving the health care delivery process as well as his great interest in public health and epidemic disease lead to his interest in sexually transmitted diseases as he founded one of the largest STD/HPV diagnostic and treatment institutions in California in 2004. He established D.A.M.L., an exclusive sexually transmitted infectious disease laboratory in 2006. D.A.M.L. became a pioneer in providing accurate and quick test results for various STDs in the U.S. In 2006, he made recommendations to the White House for the quality of care and public health.

By 2007 he introduced the 3 steps microsurgical destruction method called BCR with the promise of complete eradication of HPV-related infected benign epithelial tumors, lesions, genital and anal warts. He was chosen by many news and media networks to give expert input as a forefront physician in the diagnosis and treatment of STDs and human papillomavirus. His innovative approach to treating HPV with a high success rate has made him a pioneer and internationally recognized physician in the field. Dr. Arani's book, HPV, The Silent Intruder, published in 2013, was the first of its kind, with a 19 chapter in-depth review of Human Papillomavirus and Condyloma Acuminatum, cutting the epidemic published in 2018. The patent trademark for HPV BCR was filled by the united states office of the patent in 2021 ensuring the quality of care and treatment by a recognized skillful method.

Dr. Arani is a renown author and physician (venereologist in practice ) in HPV/STD field. He is known for developing HPV related tumor treatment approach and method in the world. He is a pioneer of providing same-day STD test results and providing many laboratory testing which has been difficult to be done in the past such as NCNGU. Many celebrities and high profile corporate businessmen and women are our patients. Some travel from far distances in order to be seen and evaluated by Dr. Arani who was chosen as Top American Physician in 2007 For STD concern. If you are a celebrity or high profile corporate businessman or woman, you could book a VIP appointment with our institution through VIP 888-Dr. Arani access line for special suite accommodations for you. The Medical center entrance would be different from the main to ensure privacy. You will be guided directly to the VIP suite without waiting in the lobby and to maximize your confidentiality, the exam and consultation suite would be separate from the rest of the center. Your medical file would be locked and secretly coded. Our VIP suite would be available with an advance executive appointment only. Those coming from overseas, out of state or desiring a same day exam and treatment, in a timely matter, should consider making a VIP appointment. A VIP coordinator will ensure the same day turnaround flight and same-day return home. If there are any mishaps such as a delay in your flight or traffic then your VIP concierge coordinator would make sure to accommodate you upon arrival.

Facts About Genital Warts

Introduction What are genital warts? Do they spread easily? What are the treatments? What happens if they are not treated? Those questions and several more are answered in this article. Information is included on what to do if you suspect you have them. If you’re currently having sexual relations with anybody, you will benefit from this article.

Definition of Genital Warts This is a kind of sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) disease that has been running rampant in the United States lately. Genital warts can easily spread from person to person during sexual activity. Symptoms include fleshy or pink-colored bumps anywhere on, or around your genitals. It resembles common goosebumps, but much larger. Unlike common goosebumps, genital warts must be taken seriously. Any type of HPV is critical to be treated, otherwise, they will not vanish. Research Results on Genital Warts Studies by experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) show that people who contract any form of HPV are in for a long battle. Even with professional medical treatment, it can still last for up to two years. Genital warts are included in this category. It’s important to know that patients who acquire HPV can remain infected for life. There is no immunity. This can recur, and develop much worse than before.

Do They Ever Go Away? It might, but we have hardly ever seen any cases of prominent HPV warts goes away without any treatment. In some cases, yes, it depends on the strain. HPV is not always curable. However, genital warts can be treated to the point of elimination. However, as stated above, a patient can become afflicted with it again. Some people have been reported to have more than one strain at the same time. Genital warts should be treated by a medical professional. It can’t be eliminated by do-it-yourself remedies.

What happens if it is left untreated? HPV infections might get extended anal or urethral area and cause significant complications. When left untreated, the virus may become dormant, or warts can grow bigger and spread in large clusters as you carry this STD. If HPV causes significant cell change then a chance of cancer is present.  It is important to emphasize that this type of virus can be recurring.

What about Symptoms? There are no recognizable symptoms of genital warts. Nothing you can pinpoint could indicate you have them. Scores of folks who get it never realize they have it. This can be dangerous as it is easy to transmit during sexual intercourse. It is highly recommended for everyone to see a medical professional regularly. He or she is trained on how to spot the signs of genital warts or any HPV.

Additional Facts on Genital Warts Like any other form of HPV, this one may not produce signs on the human body for a long time. It can take weeks, months, or even years to become visible. When it does manifest in your body, the private parts are not the only ones affected. Genital warts also tend to appear on the mouth, on the tongue, or in the throat.  Men are NOT safe from this. They can get genital warts outbreaks on the scrotum or penis. Additionally, men can develop them on the thigh, or in the groin area. If you are a man, ask your doctor to keep an eye out for this scourge.

Are There Any Treatment Options? Yes, there are but genital warts still might never be completely gone. It can infect you again. That said, only a licensed doctor can prescribe medications for it. In some cases, minor procedures are recommended. It must be stated that wart removers bought from a drug store WILL NOT WORK. You must get the medicine from a doctor; this is the only way you can get hold of it.

What Are Some Medications? Podofilox: There is a cream made from plants. The cream is known as podofilox and is applied directly on warts themselves. If you are confused as to how and when you need to apply it, your pharmacist can advise you. Imiquimod: This is an ointment available only by prescription. It is used similarly to podofilox, yet this is stronger. Cryotherapy: Your gynecologist might also suggest you go for cryotherapy. It is a medical procedure that freezes genital warts with liquid nitrogen. Multiple sessions are often required to fully eradicate them. More Involved Treatment Options In addition to the options we spoke of, there are a few surgical procedures your doctor could recommend. We shall talk about those now. One is called electrodesiccation and is only able to be done by a surgeon. No other kind of non-surgical doctor will do. He or she will probably give you anesthesia during this procedure. Another choice recommended by doctors is laser surgery. This entails similar circumstances and steps as electrodesiccation. Side effects are prevalent with laser surgery. They could include skin irritation or soreness, scarring, or even bleeding. Expect recovery from this to take a few weeks or so or further spreading of disease. rate of success might not be high. Microwave The concept is similar to cooking devices, but instead of cooking food then you do it on human tissue!  The radiation would heat up the tissue and whatever in its pathway ( skin, nerve, vessels, muscle, etc ) in order to cause cellular damages. It might be safer for plantar warts on heal and feet with thicker skin, but when it comes to condyloma and genital warts then microwave potentially could be harmful to the sensitive penile and anal area as well as missing tissue biopsy and potential cancerous or pre-cancerous cells.

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